ICOM – Senior Systems Engineer

In September 2011 I was asked to take a position as Senior Systems Engineer at the telecom company ICOM in Denmark. As part of the deal, we would try to internationalise the Telephone Number Portability system I developed at Dateltek ApS together with Bjørn Birkedal. This never really succeeded but I worked for the company almost 2 years solving the task of ensuring backend network and internet access to 1/10 of the Danish municipals institutions (schools, daycare centers etc.)

ICOM A/S was a result of a merge of the ISP “Updata Denmark” and the MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) “ChangeNetworks”.

One of my first tasks was to solve an issue for Bornholm’s municipal. They wanted to offer the employees a possibility of telecommuting from home, allowing split network access to the secure municipal intranet as well as normal insecure internet access.

I developed a provisioning system for Cisco DSL routers that allowed automated provisioning of 96 units at a time, connected to a HP switch and controlled by a simple BASH script to provision the DSL routers one at a time.

I was responsible for the operation of the entire network. No an easy task as the network was build using the municipals existing, often very old, network equipment. I had to learn about almost any CLI available on the marked to perform this.

I was in charge of establishing new connections based on:

  • ADSL
  • ADSL+
  • Ubiqiti AirFiber (wireless Links)
  • 5GHz wireless links

I also assisted the MVNO in building a billing, CRM, NP and provisioning platform and further development on their OSS SIP gateway based systems.

I left my position there mid 2013to join Uni-tel after being sole responsible for the operation of network and lack of economy to expand the department. Just in time as bankruptcy followed shortly after.